
GMS Health Innovation and Technologies

EuroScan international network e. V. (EuroScan)


About HInT


GMS HInT examines health technologies from a lifecycle approach, focusing on emerging and new technologies as well as obsolete ones. The journal’s publication priorities include methods and outputs in the field of:

  • Horizon scanning and disinvestment
  • Local real-world experiences of management of emerging new and obsolete health technologies
  • Health models
  • Studies on big data
  • Health needs assessments

Technologies considered include pharmaceutical products and medical devices in addition to clinical medicine procedures and public health programs. Technologies or procedures at either a local level (e.g. in a hospital) or system level (e.g. administrative area) of application can also be described and discussed. Such health technologies or procedures can incorporate the classic occupational groups in the clinical field (such as nurses and physicians) but also other occupational groups related to health in the sense of “health in all policies”.

GMS HInT aims to bring experiences, insights and issues from real policy or clinical/health environments from the use of innovative health technologies to a broad audience of international healthcare professionals and the science community. GMS HInT offers quick worldwide access to those interested in the fields of medicine and health sciences.

The journal also explicitly aims to support communication within the scientific community.

In addition to the original article in English or German, it is possible to include appendices in other languages. These appendices are not part of the scientific publication and are therefore not subject to quality assurance procedures. Published evidence-based and scientific articles are enhanced by integrating high resolution images, extensive tables and other multimedia documents.

Upon the completion of a reliable peer review process, high-quality contributions are released for publication. The peer review process serves above all to optimise submitted articles. The integration of national and international reference databases (e. g. PubMed) as well as access to original data of publications allows further expansion of the range of information. The cooperation with national entities in Germany ensures perpetual access and citation to the journal.

To foster the exchange of information worldwide, contributions from the International Network of Health Technology Assessment Agencies (INAHTA) and other international and national associations in the field of health and life sciences are also included in GMS HInT.

Editing Society

international HealthTechScan (i-HTS) by EuroScan international network e. V.

Editorial office
EuroScan international network e. V.
c/o dkHealth
Butzweilerhofallee 3
50829 Cologne

Dr. Hong Ju
Agency for Care Effectiveness (ACE), Singapore

Dr. Hans-Peter Dauben
International HealthTechScan (i-HTS), Cologne, Germany

Editorial Board

  • Dr. Iñaki Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea, Government of the Basque Country, Spain
  • Prof. Dawn Craig, NIHR Innovation Observatory, Newcastle, UK
  • Izzuna Mudla Mohamed Ghazali, Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS) Medical Development Division Ministry of Health, Putrajaya, Malaysia
  • Juan Antonio Blasco, Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Department, AETSA, Spain

For more information about the journal’s organization, visit the international HealthTechScan website at

Maximilian Otte
Head of editorial office

Peer review process

With the submission of a manuscript, a qualified peer review process begins. In a multi-stage process, the initial review is based on the consideration of formal requirements and the topicality relevance of the content. This is followed by an anonymous peer review process by two experts. These reviewers are proposed to the Editorial office by the Editoral Board, considering the thematic focus of the submitted manuscript. According to the reviewers’ evaluation, the Editors-in-Chief decides whether to accept or reject the manuscript.

The following applies to all publications: In the case of controversy in the review process or a negative review, the article will nevertheless be published together with the anonymized reviews, provided that the editors have positively assessed the thematic context.


GMS Health Innovations and Technologies is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services: