Living Handbook of Perishable Food Supply Chains
The aim of this textbook is to present the combined interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of cold chain management in food supply chains.
Living Textbook of Hand Surgery
The Living Textbook of Hand Surgery is designated to resolve the great delay to the progressive research and development of treatment in this field. It combines written information on principles and basics, clinical aspects and all information about diagnostic and treatment concerning Hand surgery with all possible media available for illustration of research outcome and new treatments, e.g. videos, figures, sounds or graphics.
The Living Textbook of Hand Surgery is freely accessible for everyone. Anyone interested may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search in, refer to and use the full-texts in any other conceivable legal way. The only existing restriction in connection with reprinting and distribution is the protection of the author's right of accurate citation.
Methods in cattle physiology and behaviour research – Recommendations from the SmartCow consortium
The aim of this handbook is to provide an methodological inventory of guidelines for routine and specific measurement of cattle metabolism and behaviour.
Online Lehrbuch der Medizinischen Psychologie und Medizinischen Soziologie
Dieses Open-Access-Lehrbuch liefert einen umfassenden und aktuellen Überblick über die Inhalte und das Prüfungswissen der Fächer Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie.
Urogenital Infections and Inflammations. Living Handbook
The aim of this textbook is to present the updated international knowledge and views of urologists in collaboration with gynecologists, clinical microbiologists, and infectious diseases specialists.
Your Handbook
You are kindly invited to publish your Living Handbook in the area of the Life Sciences with us.